Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 8 11/07

Hello! everyone.

today the whole day i was thinking what i am going to do for my facebook group logo. Is about music definitely.

Using illustrator? i love it, but when doing the brainstorm really hurts my head. i got 3 different music note logo basically this is like the process of doing the logo. you can't just do one and that's it for the day.

Come on. You have to do more

So i am going to show you all

these 3 picture is like a improving process to me.

From all these 3 images i used the letter C to help me along hence i adjusted it a bit and i made a heart-like shape. The message that i want to bring out is since we are all music lovers for sure we have the heart that keeps the music roll, the passion, the love so first start off i used "red colour".

After that i found out the shape of image 1 turned out not that good. Therefore i used the other music note.

As you can see, they have the same shape but they are different sizes.

Lastly the third image is the best i think. i used different colour this time round to show music is BEAUTIFUL too. So i have chosen the 3rd image as my facebook group logo.

Tomorrow i am going to pose the lucking draw video on the facebook group and i almost done with my facebook group profile picture also the google map. Stay tune for more FUN!

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