Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 3 04/07

hi everyone :) now my group" i can't live without music" is increasing everyday (THANK YOU!!). i have already chose the prize, the next thing i am going to do is the google map.

First of all, what am i going to show people about the map? is it
the places where the coming concert held in spore?
the places for people jamming?
the places where they sell music instruments in spore?

i heard from Yoke that this map can world wide which means the other countries can be include. i came out with an crazy thougths. i tried finding out the origin of the music culture, there are various type of music such as Metals, Rhythm & Blues (R&B), Hip-Hop, Rock and Roll, Classical, Jazz. As i dig the history like where is their origin and created by who.

Come to think of it, people will be interested where they(music) were from?even for me i will be left it aside and continue listening to my favourite music. So.. i still have no idea what to do for the map... ...

P/S. the lucky draw is on 06/07, i will be doing a Live video recording and post it on facebook. So.. see you.. tomorrow i am going to sing KTV! let me take a break first :)

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