Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 7 10/07

Sorry sorry

yesterday i didn't write blog because i was too tired due to the photoshooting of my facebook profile picture and also the google map.

i will talk more about thursday stuff.

We did illustrator again but this time round not just shapes or type on grid. We are creating simple interesting type, Shapes and Pathfinder.

when i was doing the "interesting type", i did wrongly for the first time because i forgot to duplicate the layer before i set the Stroke weight to 40 pts that step.

So i have to redo but after the previous lesson, all those struggling previously have make me improved. Somehow i did faster this time and then my work is done

i have difficulties on using the pentools to put the white part.

next's up is by creating simple tools using illustrator again

i have new thing which is the pathfinder, actually i find it very useful when comes to merging shapes together. i find this exercise is much more easier than the previous one. Below is my work by using the pathfinder and shapes.

see you!

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